Brother Kihamahana lost to COVID-19

COVID-19 has taken away our Brother and Friend
McMillan Kihamahana 09/30/1941-04/04/2020
BAC Local 07 Colorado Member 1964-2020
It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the loss of Brother McMillan Kihamahana. Brother Kihamahana succumbed to the Corona Virus on Saturday, 04/04/2020. He was a Journeyman Bricklayer and Stone Mason from June of 1964 until his passing. He became a lifetime Member in January of 2020 (pictured here with Brother Gondek President of BAC Local 07 Colorado/ Wyoming). Thank you doesn’t express how grateful we are to this Brother for his service and dedication to his Union and its Industries. For always being committed to growing the unionized masonry-trowel trades industry for current and future generations. Our thoughts and prayers are with Brother Kihamahana’s family and friends. This was such unnecessary loss COVID-19 has taken away a dear friend, Brother and Family man. Our hearts are broken.